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Margaret Llewelyn Davies to Mary Hodgson - 1921

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Letter from Margaret Llewelyn Davies to Mary Hodgson, dated 24 May -1921


There is no need for me to say that I know a little what this terrible loss means for you. You have loved him [Michael] with the faithful love of years, and with the love of one who has done so much for him. I had such a specially delightful talk with him, for nearly two hours, just before he went to Dorset this spring. I wonder what your latest memories of him are. I know what a happy time you had with them. Darling Nico was with me on Sunday morning. He came right into my arms when he came and left and one is so thankful to have his arms round me. The loss for him is beyond words, as you know only too well. Poor Sir James and Nico have gone away for a day or two. The funeral was very simple! Peter and Jack were there. I had a dear time with Peter at the flat. Michael was stayed on the Thames, with friend. A Cambridge friend told me he was inquiring about my [her husband, Michael's uncle] Theodore. Dear Mary, I wish you would come to my little flat. Take your time and let me know. It is at the corner of Church Row and Heath Street. Your ever affectionate and grateful friend, Margaret Llewelyn Davies.


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*letter appears tear-stained* There is no need for me to say that I know a little what this terrible loss means for you. You have loved him [Michael] with the faithful love of years, and with the love of one who has done so much for him. I had such a specially delightful talk with him, for nearly two hours, just before he went to Dorset this spring. I wonder what your latest memories of him are. I know what a happy time you had with them. Darling Nico was with me on Sunday morning. He came right into my arms when he came and left and one is so thankful to have his arms round me. The loss for him is beyond words, as you know only too well. Poor Sir James and Nico have gone away for a day or two. The funeral was very simple! Peter and Jack were there. I had a dear time with Peter at the flat. Michael was stayed on the Thames, with friend. A Cambridge friend told me he was inquiring about my [her husband, Michael's uncle] Theodore. Dear Mary, I wish you would come to my little flat. Take your time and let me know. It is at the corner of Church Row and Heath Street. Your ever affectionate and grateful friend, Margaret Llewelyn Davies.

Post Date - 19 Apr 2020 18:48 | Report
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