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Mrs Lesley Stephen to Arthur Llewelyn Davies - 189


Letter from Julia (Mrs Lesley) Stephen to Arthur Llewelyn Davies, 28 March 1890.

[No original ms available]


22 Hyde Park Gate, S W
28 March [1890]

My Dear Mr Davies,
It is very good at you both to say you will come on Sunday evening. I have an unreasonable desire to thank you both for being so happy. George comes home tomorrow, and it will be a delightful surprise to him to see you both.
Of course you are fortunate, no one can look in her face and not feel that, but I don't think there is anyone whose happiness seems to me quite as secure as hers.
Always yours affectionately,
Julia Stephen.

Peter's comment in the "Morgue":

Curious that the writer of so nice a letter should have changed from the " My dear Arthur" of two days before to the "My dear Mr Davies" of this. George is her son, George Duckworth.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning, as a sort of link, that Leslie Stephen's first wife, who died in 1875, was the daughter of Thackeray.


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