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Peter Llewelyn Davies to Margaret Llewelyn Davies

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Letter from Peter to his Aunt Margaret, June 1913


New Buildings
Eton College,
Sunday [June 1913]

Dearest Aunt Margaret,
As usual, I have been dreadfully slack about writing, without much excuse either, I am afraid, except that it is the Summer Half at Eton. The fact of the matter is I have almost given up cricket of a really serious nature, and indulge in more frivolous sports of the type of Bumble Puppy and Archery -- greatly to the scandal of masters and to a large extent boys. Nevertheless it's much more amusing than the monotony of cricket every day -- and Michael still remains to carry on the family traditions regarding cricket colours.
I get a good deal more time to myself, with the result that I have been reading much more than usual just lately. In particular I enjoyed that book of "Essays on Rebellion" by [Henry] Nevinson, which you gave me last half. They put things extraordinarily dearly, and provide me, moreover, with a lot of useful stuff for my weekly French essay, at times.
The library of Trinity looks very attractive in the little print you sent. I hope I shall be able to resort there a good deal when I go up there next term. It is nice to be able to step into George's last rooms; and he is moving into some of the best in the College, I gather, previously inhabited by Thackeray and Macaulay -- and I shall get those at the beginning of my second year.
Give my love to grandfather, who I hope is doing well.
Yours affectionately

[AB: Not in Peter's Morgue, so sadly no comments. Trinity = Trinity College Cambridge]


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Dearest Aunt Margaret, as usual I have been dreadfully slouch about writing, without much excuse either, I am afraid that it is the summer half at Eton. The fact of the matter is I have almost given up cricket...typers of bumble puppy and archery -- greatly to the scandal of Martens and to a large extend boys. Nevertheless it's much more amusing than the monotony of cricket every day -- and Michael still remains to carry on the family traditions regarding cricket colors. I get a good deal particular I enjoyed that book of "Essays on Rebellion" on Newmason, which you gave me last half. They put things extraordinarily dearly, and provide me moreover with a lot of useful stuff for my weekly French essay, at times. The library of Trinity looks very attractive in the little permit you sent. I would like to be able to step into George's last rooms, and he is moving into some of the best in the College, I gather, previously inhabited by Thackeray and Macaulay --- and I shall get those at the beginning of my second year. Give my love to grandfather, who I hope is doing well. Your affectionately Peter.

Post Date - 19 Apr 2020 17:42 | Report
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