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Montague Rendall to Margaret Llewelyn Davies - 190

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Letter of condolence from Montague Rendall to Margaret Ll.D., 25 April 1907


Florence, Sunday.
[28 April 1907]

Dear Miss Davies,
Your letter, for which I am truly grateful, only reaches me in Italy, after a week’s journey.
Every day of late I have been thinking and thinking of your heroic brother. I loved him dearly, and treasure infinitely a pencil letter he wrote me 5 or 6 weeks since. He was the most sincere, manly and vigorous of mankind, and, though I have not frequently met him of late, when I did see him, our friendship was the same as ever, without one cloud or shadow.
Into your trouble I must not enter; I know something of what this year has been to you. Arthur’s heroism (it was nothing less) must have been the greatest comfort and will remain a glorious memory. I will write to his poor wife.
It is well that he is at rest.
I hope, as you say, that we may meet some day.
With best thanks and much sympathy,
Yrs. sincerely,
M. Jack Rendall

[Peter's comment:]

I take this to be from Montague Rendall, at that time an assistant master and later headmaster (1911-1924) of Winchester and a distinguished figure in the educational world. He was a Trinity contemporary of Arthur's. He still survives.


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