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Sylvia Llewelyn Davies to Margaret Llewelyn Davies


Letter from Sylvia to Margaret, 1 June 1906

[No original available]


12, Beaumont Street,
Marylebone, W.
June 1st. [1906]

Dearest Margaret,
Arthur seems pretty well and he’s not suffering much I’m glad to say. He’s reading and I shall hope to get him home soon. They don’t quite know the cause of the lump as it was nothing to do with a tooth they think – it will be examined and they will perhaps know in a few days. If you write don’t mention this to Arthur, but I hope all will be well.
I hate to have him away from his own room, but he is so patient and only thinks of others.
Crompton was here today, and said he wd wire you, my M.
Your Sylvia

Peter's comments:

Premonitions in this letter, too. On this day both Sylvia and Crompton telegraphed to K.L. to say the operation had gone off satisfactorily, and Crompton sent a postcard: “He is going on alright. They will examine by microscope the part they have cut out and consider what more if anything should be done.”

The microscopic examination must have been very quick, and may even have been superfluous, as A. writes the very next day to Margaret, telling her the worst.


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