Letter from Sylvia to Arthur's sister Margaret, 15 October 1906
[No original available]
Oct 15 [1906]
I am so glad you will come on Thursday. Arthur is much more cheerful and I blessed Treves for this great comfort. Of course we know he can’t be certain, but we know he hopes that many things may have caused the poor face to be as it is now, and that treatment will perhaps do wonders.
Considering all things Arthur seems wonderfully well, though a visit to the hairdresser had made him look extra thin, and his beautiful hair, for the time being, has vanished. I so love his hair.
I was out today when Mrs. Murray Smith and Mildred Davey called and he talked to them and showed them over the house!
Dear, dear love to you and we want you back again.
Your Sylvia lovingly.
Peter's comments:
Mrs Murray Smith and Mildred Davey ring no bell for me. I suppose Mrs. M.S. was connected with Smith, the founder of the great publishing firm of Smith, Elder & Co, who was George Murray Smith [1824-1901]. Mildred Davey may have been of the family of Davey who were “tutored” by John Ll.D. and his erring brother Walter in the ’forties.
Jack will remember the hairdresser at Berkhamsted, de Freyne by name, rather a comic character to all of us. He succeeded in figuring in the foreground of one of the photographs of Egerton House which was published locally as a postcard.
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