Letter from Sylvia to Mary Hodgson while on holiday with the boys in the Isle of Wight, 4 April 1901.
[No original available]
Freshwater Bay,
[Isle of Wight]
Good Friday morning. [4 April 1901]
My dear Mary,
We are here safe and sound and, considering the long journey, none the worse. The start off was rather dreadful, and not a seat in the train for us and many others. The crowd was huge and it was almost impossible to move. A special train had to be run so we got a comfortable first class carriage and started pretty soon after the last. The boys were nice on the whole and enjoyed the boat very much. The weather was perfect but cold; today, alas, it is wet and very cold. We have very nice rooms and the landlady is very nice and kind. I am thinking of my little Michael all the time and longing to kiss him. I do so hope he will soon be quite well and free from cold and that he will be able to get away. When the time comes you must take his pram as it wd. be difficult to get one at C[horley] W[ood]. I ordered a thin piece of mackintosh for a cover for it in the rain.
I hope your sister is with you. Don't forget I should like Nelly (or Jenny, if she is with you) to go with you to the station the day you get off. I don't know what the posts will be doing, but I daresay the letters will be late everywhere. The boys are well and send love.
Kiss my Michael for me.
Peter's comment:
1901 was a blank in my documentary records, until Mary Hodgson sent me this letter and the two that follow, and which are the only ones from S.Ll.D. to her which survived the bombing of her London home in 1941.
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