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Sylvia Llewelyn Davies to Michael Llewelyn Davies

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Letter from Sylvia to Michael on his 6th birthday, 16 June 1906


For June the 16th.
My Michael’s 6th birthday.

I am coming to see you & I will bring my present to you my dear darling. I want so to tell you about Father who is so brave & you will be so proud that you are his little son.

I don’t like being away from you on your dear birthday but I shall see you in a few hours. Oh my little Michael, won’t it be nice when we are all together again. Father does so want to be back with his sons. He is sleeping now & I am being very still & writing this letter by his bed.
Mr Barrie is our fairy prince – much the best fairy prince that was ever born, because he is real.
Loving Mother.

[AB: The "real" is underlined]


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