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Sylvia Llewelyn Davies to Michael Llewelyn Davies


Letter from Sylvia to Michael, 14 April 1907


Telephone, 11 Berkhamsted
Egerton house, Berkhamsted
14 [April 1907]

My Michael,
Father was so glad to get your dear letter and he thought the writing very good and I liked the post card.
I saw your new tooth coming too. I daresay you are having a fine time at Ramsgate and I do so hope the weather will be fine and that will make it so much nicer for you all.
There is a dear little bird in the garden on her nest and she has four little babies now – I looked in very carefully and saw their funny little faces – I told her my babies had flown away and my nest was having a good clean and that when it was all in order they would fly home again.
Darling Michael write to me again soon and give my love to my Nico. Has Freda got that little dog?
From Mother

[Peter's brief comment; his main comment follows the next letter, from Arthur to Michael:]

Frida: Frida O’Reilly, one of a family living a few doors away in Wall Crescent, with whom we were friendly.


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