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Messages - stephenc

Pages: [1]

Many thanks, indeed! We are looking forward to staging this production, after having done The Admirable Crichton a few years ago!

Thank you for the suggestion, I will look into that.

All the best,
New to / Mary Rose - Pitlochry Festival Theatre
« on: May 05, 2017, 02:44:52 PM »
Hello all,

Thank you for accepting me into your community here. It's been a while since I've used a forum!

I thought I'd let you know that J.M. Barrie's MARY ROSE is being staged at Pitlochry Festival Theatre as part of our Summer Season of six plays. For anyone unfamiliar with our Theatre, we operate a rep model, so the 8 actors in MARY ROSE also appear in our other plays, which rotate every single day (!).

To book tickets for the show, visit:

Or alternatively, you can call Box Office on 01796 484 626.

If you have any questions at all about the show, the Theatre or our programme, please fire away!

Best wishes,

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