When I look at the photos of the five boys it strikes me how few images there are from their middle to upper teens. There are some of Michael, George and Nico but hardly any of Jack and Peter. Jack I can understand as he appears to have grown away from JMB during this period but Peter I don't comprehend.
I don't suppose we shall ever know the answers but were these photos lost or did JMB either get bored or not have the time to pursue his hobby of photography as the years went by? After all he did have so much on his plate.
Also I wonder who took the Peter Pan photos of Michael and JMB as obviously JMB couldn't have (I don't think they had self-timers back then) and the camera equipment and exposure seem to have been quite complicated .
Another thought came to my mind (while going on interminable and exhausting walks with my dog!!) if Peter was being ribbed/bullied over his 'being' Peter Pan it presumably was at school. Surely George, who was four years his senior, would have stepped in and 'had a word'. I'm sure George would never have stood for his brother being bullied.
Just some thoughts.