Thank you for replying Brutus!
And thank you for reading my detailed review!
Like I said in the review, I would say that you should watch Peter Pan and Wendy and form your own opinion, but the more I think about it, the movie is just so bad and so far from Barrie’s vision, that it’s not even worth watching! Especially if you’re a member of this forum!
I had hope for the at first with two main trailers, but then when the clips started getting released, that hope quickly died, and honestly, the only reason I felt I needed to watch it was to basically be the guinea pig and test out the movie and inform my fellow Pan Fans on this forum if the movie was worth watching, which of course it’s not! So yeah, skip the movie!
No, the Peter in this recent movie does not have pointy ears. But he has pointy shoes though.
The reason I gave Pan a 1 and not a 0 is really because of the performances of Levi Miller and Hugh Jackman. I honestly haven’t watched this film in years so there’s a lot I don’t remember, but I do remember their performances being good even if their characters were not. I really wish they could have been in a faithful direct adaptation film of Peter Pan as Peter and Hook!
I didn’t include Syfy’s Neverland because that’s technically not a film. Ironically, when I reviewed it on the forum back in 2020, I called it a film the entire time! It’s basically just two really long episodes of a TV show. I actually haven’t watched it since I saw it and reviewed it over 2 years ago, but I just re-read my review of the series and I do still remember some bit and pieces of it. I didn’t give an actual rating in my review, but even though my 2020 self probably would’ve given this series a 3/10, my 2023 self would agree with you and give it a 1/10. Like Pan, the 1 comes from the good performances from the actors!
2 or 3 years ago, I reviewed a bunch of Peter Pan related media for the forum, tv series, feature-length films, short films, and a stage production that either were talked about very little or not at all on this site, and that’s why I watched and reviewed Neverland in the first place. Looking back, I was way too nice in some of those reviews, and if I re-reviewed those products now, I would probably have a much more negative view on them!
As time as gone on, and as it stands currently, I’m of the opinion that if your interpretation doesn’t have Barrie’s spirit, whether you’re making a prequel, sequel, or a different interpretation of the original story, then you’re doing it wrong! And a lot of people who try to adapt the Peter Pan story in some way, get it very wrong! There are movies that aren’t related to Peter Pan in any way that are more like a Peter Pan movie than most of the actual Peter Pan movies, like Where the Wild Things Are or Song of the Sea. The GOSH Peter and Wendy movie is the only actual Peter Pan movie to capture Barrie’s spirit! Although I will give the benefit of the doubt and say that Hook comes close, at least that movie was made by somebody who actually cared about the source material! Although ironically, Spielberg hates Hook now and has pretty much disowned it!
I’m sorry this comment is so long! I’m wrapping it up!
No, I’ve never seen the Russian Peter Pan movie. At least not the whole movie. I think I’ve seen bits and pieces of it though. Is it any good? After Peter Pan and Wendy, I am in absolutely no mood to watch another bad Peter Pan movie!
Plus, right now I’m actually working on a project that I’m pretty excited about that I will talk about on this forum very soon…..
Let’s just say all these bad Peter Pan adaptations have finally broken me, but have also encouraged me to take action….😉