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Mary Hodgson as an under-nursemaid, aged 11

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Mary Hodgson as an under-nursemaid in 1890, aged 11. Mary's brother was a sidesman at the Rev. John Llewelyn Davies's church, and her family had long Kirkby Lonsdale connections. She initially went to work for Arthur's brother's family, Maurice, before joining Arthir and Sylvia as their indespensibl(Read More)


Mary Hodgson as an under-nursemaid in 1890, aged 11.

Mary's brother was a sidesman at the Rev. John Llewelyn Davies's church, and her family had long Kirkby Lonsdale connections. She initially went to work for Arthur's brother's family, Maurice, before joining Arthir and Sylvia as their indespensible nursery maid ...


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