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Barrie's initials scratched into the glass, 1912

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Barrie's initials scratched into the glass of the dining room window in the Harris Hotel, Tarbert, in the Outer Hebrides , where he - together with E V Lucas's wife Elizabeth, their daughter Audrey Lucas, and Anthony "Oh for an hour of Herod!" Hope Hawkins - stayed on August 3rd, 1912 en route to Am(Read More)


Barrie's initials scratched into the glass of the dining room window in the Harris Hotel, Tarbert, in the Outer Hebrides , where he - together with E V Lucas's wife Elizabeth, their daughter Audrey Lucas, and Anthony "Oh for an hour of Herod!" Hope Hawkins - stayed on August 3rd, 1912 en route to Amhuinnsuidh Castle, their names inscribed in the hotel visitors' book ...

... as is mine in their 1966 visitors' book, along with my camera operator, our helicopter pilot and "Boots" (my friend Hayley's pseudonym) when staying in the same hotel 50+ years later while shooting footage for Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" ...


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