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Barrie's printing instructions for Michael and Nic

This entry contains 2 image(s).


Michael, Nico and Mary Hodgson at Dhivach, along with Barrie's instructions to the photographic printer. Presumably he wanted to include it in Sylvia's Memorial Album, but for whatever reason he seems to have changed his mind. The little photos are stuck on the back of a photo of Dhivach Lodge, and from the instructions it's clear that Barrie wanted the printer to fiddle them in - a task that would have almost required Adobe Photoshop ...

"This [the bigger picture of Dhivach] to be reproduced this size. The little figures on small pictures (reduced to scale) to be added in foreground as if nurse was carrying boy to paling. The background in them omitted so that they are art of other picture. If impossible to put little pictures in, do landscape without them.

This boy [Michael] is three years older than the other [Nico]."


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