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Barrie bowling at Field-Marshall Sir Douglas Haig in Ma...

Barrie bowling at Field-Marshall Sir Douglas Haig in May 1922 at St Andrews University (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - May 01, 1922

Barrie in 1872, aged 12

Barrie in 1872, aged 12: "Nothing that happens to us after we are twelve matters very much." (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - May 05, 1872

Barrie in 1893, aged 33

Barrie in 1893, aged 33. This was one of Barrie's favourite photos of himself ... (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - May 01, 1893

Barrie in 1933, standing beside the seven windows in hi...

Barrie in 1933, standing beside the seven windows in his Adelphi study overlooking the Thames. (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Apr 01, 1933

Barrie in fancy dress as a pirate at Stanway in 1925, s...

Barrie in fancy dress as a pirate at Stanway in 1925, surrounded by Cynthia Asquith's family (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jul 01, 1925

Barrie in fancy dress as a pirate at Stanway in 1925, s...

Barrie in fancy dress as a pirate at Stanway in 1925, surrounded by Cynthia Asquith's family (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Aug 01, 1925

Barrie in his robes as Chancellor of Edinburgh Universi...

Barrie in his robes as Chancellor of Edinburgh University in 1930 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - May 01, 1930

Barrie in the dead of night, drinking coffee

This was Nico's favourite clip: Barrie in the dead of night, drinking a cup of coffee at a coffee st (Read More)

Category - Videos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jun 01, 1922

Barrie in the garden at Egerton House, ‘thrashing' George and Jack

Barrie in the garden at Egerton House, pretending to thrash George and Jack - or maybe he's playing (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jun 03, 1907

Barrie making a speech at Kirriemuir in June 1930, and recounting how as a child he had split the lip of his best friend, James Robb. "We were digging up a gooseberry bush in his mother’s garden, and I missed it, but I got him. We then bolted in opposite

Barrie making a speech at Kirriemuir in June 1930, and recounting how as a child he had split the li (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jul 06, 1930
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