George with his pet rabbit ‘Mr.' at Egerton House in 1907 (Read More)
George, Peter and Michael at Ramsgate following their father's death in April 1907 (Read More)
George and his pet hamster (Read More)
George shortly after Arthur's death in April 1907: note the black armband. (Read More)
Sylvia in her grief, sitting in the garden at Egerton House, May 1907. Note that the grinning George (Read More)
George in the garden at Egerton House (Read More)
George in his first half (= term) at Eton (Read More)
Barrie in the garden at Egerton House, pretending to thrash George and Jack - or maybe he's playing (Read More)
George, Jack and Peter (?) at Dhivach - although it's hard to be sure of their identities. Note the (Read More)
Punch joke referred to by George (Read More)