George luging at Caux in January 1909, with Gilbert Cannan riding behind him. Note that someonehas b (Read More)
George on holiday in Italy with his friend Chris Lawrence. (Read More)
George or possibly Jack at Black Lake, August 1901 (Read More)
George shortly after Arthur's death in April 1907: note the black armband. (Read More)
George with his pet rabbit ‘Mr.' at Egerton House in 1907 (Read More)
George (front row, second from right) and his Pop cohorts at Eton in July 1912 (Read More)
George's death, as reported by the St Louis Post in April 1915: "Peter Pan is Dead". Much of the art (Read More)
George making a spectacular catch during the Eton -v- Harrow cricket match at Lords in July, 1912. T (Read More)
George, Jack and Peter (?) at Dhivach - although it's hard to be sure of their identities. Note the (Read More)
George, Jack and Peter, setting off on their Boy Castaway adventures (Read More)