Barrie, Michael (aged 9) and Sylvia in 1909. The photograph was probably taken by George. (Read More)
Barrie, Nico, Michael and Sylvia at Egerton House, 1906, photographed by either Jack or George and d (Read More)
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Letter from Crompton Llewelyn Davies to Sylvia, 16 May 1890. [No original available] (Read More)
Letter from Emma du Maurier to her daughter Sylvia, September (?) 1890. "Tell Arthur we have come to (Read More)
Sylvia holding Peter, with George and Jack before her, possibly photographed by Barrie, or else Lizz (Read More)
George and Sylvia playing tennis at Rustington in August 1906, photographed by Barrie. (Read More)
Letter from George (aged 10) to his mother Sylvia, still recovering from the birth of Nico.[No origi (Read More)
George, Peter and Jack being wheeled in a wheelbarrow by Sylvia - or is it possibly Mary Hodgson (se (Read More)
George, Sylvia and Jack Llewelyn Davies in 1895. Barrie naturally included this ethereal photograph (Read More)