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Death document of Peter Llewelyn Davies- 1960

death, Daily Express, dated 07 April 1960 (Read More)

Category - Documents | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 07, 1960

David Barrie's Death Certificate

David Barrie's death certificate, dated 30 January 1867[Kindly supplied by Hans Kuyper] (Read More)

Category - Documents | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 30, 1867


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Category - Database | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Daphne talking about Nico's hero-worship of Jack.

Daphne talking about Nico's hero-worship of Jack. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Daphne remembering Michael's nightmares – how he thought he saw people coming in through the window, "and this could tie up with Peter Pan."

Daphne remembering Michael's nightmares – how he thought he saw people coming in through the window, (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Daphne du Maurier to Nico Llewelyn Davies - 1963

Daphne (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 27, 1963

Daphne du Maurier to Nico Llewelyn Davies - 1960

Read more (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 12, 1960

Daphne du Marier remembering Barrie taking them to the zoo after George's death.

Daphne du Marier remembering Barrie taking them to the zoo after George's death. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Daphne and Angela du Maurier remembering Michael, Peter and Nico

Daphne and Angela du Maurier remembering Michael, Peter and Nico (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Cynthia Asquith's censorship of Denis Mackail: "KILL THIS"

Denis Mackail's original manuscript for The Story of J.M.B. contains a number of censorship deletion (Read More)

Category - Documents | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 01, 1940
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