Best let sleeping dogs lie I think. ... Another thing against re-digging [up an old newspaper articl (Read More)
Wisden's has arrived and was received with 21 guns (Read More)
That their pain is not so bad no (Read More)
The flat seems very empty without you. Even the fire keeps going out. I have sometimes thought of fo (Read More)
You evidently have your trials and I guess there are worse than you make out. ... After a raid it is (Read More)
I have a receipt for the lettering of ston (Read More)
Letter from Barrie to Maude Adams while she was touring Peter Pan across the USA, 23 March 1907 (Read More)
I am very keen about [motion] pictures in color but if nothing satisfactory should come in color I a (Read More)
I am very glad that all is well and happy at Max Gate, which tendeth to make all well and happy here (Read More)
I have taken on a heavyish job ... I am so well as a whole that I'm quite taken back when people say (Read More)