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Lord Boothby talking about Michael's literary influences. Was he a romantic? The effect that Michael's death had on just about everyone, particularly Roger Senhouse.

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He was a great reader. He read through a lot. He was fond of Stevenson, I know. But whether there was any single person that exercised a great influence over him, I don't know.<br /> <br /> Was he what you would call, a romantic?<br /> <br /> Yes. He was lovely. But I think he was very emotional. And he concealed his emotions to a large extent. And he had emotional relationships. With women and men. Without much more. Certainly when he died, I had more desperate letters. I can see Roger Senhouse being led up the high kings (?), sobbing. And he had a tremendous effect. And I had a lot of his letters since I know a lot of people in those days. And the most was Reverend Marchbanks. He carried a profound effect from that day.

Post Date - 13 Mar 2020 18:02 | Report
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