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to Maude Adams - 1919

That love story! Well, I still hope to get at it, but the days pass the weeks, the months, and I am (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - May 02, 1919

to Maude Adams - 1918

Yes, anything you like I'll do for you "for the trenches" whether I can do it or not. There is a sto (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - May 20, 1918

to Maude Adams - 1918

Is it this influenza scourge that has got hold of you or have you been working too hard?... The endi (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Dec 08, 1918

to Maude Adams - 1917

I hope you are having a real good rest at last (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Aug 23, 1917

to Maude Adams - 1917

If you are in the mountains in that delightful house of which I often think with affection, give my (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Aug 23, 1917

to Maude Adams - 1917

I enclose a copy of "Dear Brutus" and may seem to have been long in doing so, but not really as I ha (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Nov 02, 1917

to Maude Adams - 1916

I sometimes go over to France to a hospital I have for French children wounded in the war. I think i (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Jul 05, 1916

to Maude Adams - 1916

Just a greeting to you across the seas. I often send them to you tho' they don't get on to paper. Li (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Jul 05, 1916

to Maude Adams - 1915

This is a Cinderella story of the present day, with just a touch of the wonder-world, and of this wa (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Nov 30, 1915

to Maude Adams - 1909

(from Caux) How splendid you are. I feel I have exhausted all my superlatives upon you, and that non (Read More)

Category - Letters | Expected Creation - Jan 11, 1909
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