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View search functionalityJust a line to thank you for Wisden's and to report progress ... there are about as many hot water b (Read More)
My letters get into such confusion that you must be very bewildered. ... I assure you I am nothing w (Read More)
You see I am still left-handed and like to remain so. It isn't so difficult as you might fancy to wr (Read More)
It is good to know that the pain has lessene (Read More)
I am so much moved by your letter (Read More)
You have either heard or will be hearing from St Andrews that they want to give you the LL.D. in May (Read More)
I should have written to you ere thi (Read More)
This is indeed great new (Read More)
I see you have been going through a bad tim (Read More)
I am indeed sorry to hear from Phillip (Read More)