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Kensington Park Gardens

The house where the Llewelyn Davies moved into in 1897, after Craven Terrace. (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico's love of music and playing the piano, unlike his brothers. His story of going off with Michael to buy their first gramophone records ...

Nico's love of music and playing the piano, unlike his brothers. His story of going off with Michael (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Gerrie Llewelyn Davies (Jack's widow) talking about Nico

Gerrie Llewelyn Davies (Jack's widow) talking about Nico (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico telling Maureen O'Brien (who played Mary Barrie in "The Lost Boys") how Sharon and I first swam into his life...

Nico telling Maureen O'Brien (who played Mary Barrie in "The Lost Boys") how Sharon and I first swam (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)


(Read more) (Read More)

Category - Text Heavy | Contains 1 file(s)

Actresses who played Peter Pan over the years

Actresses who played Peter Pan over the years:Zena Dare (1887-1975) never played in a London product (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 7 file(s)


Jean Forbes-Robertson played Peter Pan from 1927 to 1935 (and reprised the role in 1939) and was one (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s)

Lord Boothby seeing Barrie after Michael's death

Lord Boothby seeing Barrie after Michael's death (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Jean Forbes-Robertson in the 1940 recording of "Peter Pan" - Act 3: The Underground Home

Jean Forbes-Robertson in the 1940 recording of "Peter Pan" - Act 3: The Underground Home (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico's criticism of Janet Dunbar's biography ["J M Barrie: the Man Behind the Image", 1970] that it fails to communicate Barrie's humour and what wonderful company he was 99% of the time.

Nico's criticism of Janet Dunbar's biography ["J M Barrie: the Man Behind the Image", 1970] that it (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)
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