I should have written to you ere thi (Read More)
Very glad to have your letter (Read More)
It is not so good in London as at Edgerston though it is quieter. No swarms of people at tea for ins (Read More)
I found your letter on my return. I managed to get Peter away with me for 48 hours which was beyond (Read More)
I could have warned you against trying to dig up rose trees (Read More)
I have been away on the continen (Read More)
I expect you are right about alterations. ... However I am apparently so constituted that I couldn't (Read More)
You know how sincerely I hope ... T. H. would have chuckled if he had seen me at Cambridge the other (Read More)
It seems to me very satisfactory I have sometimes wondered why statues are always of a man as he was (Read More)
From a letter from Barrie to Charles Turley-Smith, 10 May 1913 (Read More)