Arthur, Jack, Michael, Peter and George, with baby Nico in Arthur's arms. This is the only known pho (Read More)
Aubrey Tennyson's letter to Peter Llewelyn Davies, dated 17 March 1915, giving his account of George (Read More)
The envelope of Aubrey Tennyson's letter to Peter Llewelyn Davies, dated 17 March 1915, giving his a (Read More)
Barrie and the Davies boys at Scourie Lodge, August 1911. Back row: George, Millicent Duchess of Sut (Read More)
birth certificate Peter, dated 01 June 1938 (Read More)
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death, Daily Express, dated 07 April 1960 (Read More)
death, London Times, dated 07 April 1960 (Read More)
Sylvia holding Peter, with George and Jack before her, possibly photographed by Barrie, or else Lizz (Read More)
Letter from George Llewelyn Davies to Peter Llewelyn Davies, dated 30 December -1914 (Read More)