I am hoping your cold is bette (Read More)
The Nursery Scene from Peter Pan being performed at Great Ormond Street Hospital (then the Hospital (Read More)
Jean Forbes-Robertson as Peter in the 1930 London revival of Peter Pan. Jean Forbes-Robertson played (Read More)
Views of Barrie's study from various angles, taken in about 1930, probably by Jack. (Read More)
I am glad hot water bottle promises to settle down into a useful career (Read More)
Avaunt. This is addressed to myself for not having thanked you (Read More)
I have taken on a heavyish job ... I am so well as a whole that I'm quite taken back when people say (Read More)
Yes, I am sad about Charles Whible (Read More)
Barrie in his robes as Chancellor of Edinburgh University in 1930 (Read More)
I don't believe you have seriously contemplate (Read More)