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J M Barrie to Alexander Jeans - 1909

Letter from J M Barrie to Alexander Jeans, 10 June 1909. (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jun 10, 1909

Michael aged 8 in May 1909...

Michael, a few weeks short of 9 in May 1909 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - May 01, 1909

to Maude Adams - 1909

(from Caux) How splendid you are. I feel I have exhausted all my superlatives upon you, and that non (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 11, 1909

George luging at Caux in January 1909, with Gilbert Cannan behind him.

George luging at Caux in January 1909, with Gilbert Cannan riding behind him. Note that someonehas b (Read More)

Category - Photos | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 10, 1909

Peter Pan's Postbag

Title page to Pauline Chase's "Peter Pan's Postbag", published in 1909 (Read More)

Category - Documents | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1909

Michael luging at Caux in 1909

Michael luging (sledging) at Caux in January, 1909 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1909

Nico luging (tobaggoning) at Caux, aged 6

Nico luging (tobaggoning) at Caux, aged 6 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1909

Michael's entries in The Querist's Album

Michael's entry in Barrie's old "The Querist's Album", which he'd been given in 1877 by his sister M (Read More)

Category - Documents | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Dec 05, 1908

J M Barrie to Michael Llewelyn Davies - 1908

Read more (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jun 15, 1908

George in his first term at Eton, aged 13

George in his first term at Eton, aged 13, standing in the back row, extreme right. His tutor (house (Read More)

Category - Photos | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jun 01, 1908
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