Letter from Harry Llewelyn Davies to his brother Arthur on his engagement to Sylvia, 27 March 1890 (Read More)
Letter of condolence from Hugh Macnaghten to Margaret Ll.D., 25 April 1907 (Read More)
Letter of condolence from Montague Rendall to Margaret Ll.D., 25 April 1907 (Read More)
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I am wandering about in the Highlands in such a remote parts that it has taken your letter this long (Read More)
Nearly four years of it now. I think it was four years ago tonight that my cinema supper took place, (Read More)
I have been trying to find ou (Read More)
16 or 17th suits me equally for your arrival. Am oiling of the draughts. (Read More)
A collected volume of my plays is coming out and I wonder whether you mind their printing at the foo (Read More)