Nico stressing Barrie's sense of humour (with promptings from his wife Mary) while giving an imitation of how he'd rock from side to side while stirring his coffee. His macabre humour so often misunderstood - or missed altogether.
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Uh you see everything he did, as far as I was concerned, was this is natural, was this is normal, this is Uncle Jim, this is like father or daddy or whatever it may be. Every form of letter was funny. Well no every now and then it would be something. He would mix the romantic with the ? Yes If you just read the lines, like the lines from Eileen Shona... a saying we are all tenants here they just treat me as a butler. He would be sitting at the top of the table -- I can't do it, it would nearly kill me -- he was so tiny -- you can't do Nico -- he'd be sitting around here and would rock from side to side and come out with some ghastly thing. Which would mean nothing. It was his way of being funny. It was funny. It was ridiculously funny. It was really really funny. He was never altogether -- He may have been serious without him knowing but I don't think he was.