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Nico remembering Emma du Maurier

Nico remembering Emma du Maurier (Read More)

Category - Audio

Elisabeth Bergner's memories of Barrie's sister Maggie, and how she was so frightened of the telephone that she poured tea into it!

Elisabeth Bergner's memories of Barrie's sister Maggie, and how she was so frightened of the telepho (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie's impressions of Sylvia. The "going off like this" refers to the holiday in Dives, where Barrie took Sylvia, Jack and Michael in 1905 (JMB&TLB, p123)

Gerrie's impressions of Sylvia. The "going off like this" refers to the holiday in Dives, where Barr (Read More)

Category - Audio

Producer Louis Marks questioning Nico about Barrie's cough

Producer Louis Marks questioning Nico about Barrie's cough (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico emphasizing Barrie's love of games, in particular, "eggcap" ...

Nico emphasizing Barrie's love of games, in particular, "eggcap" ... (Read More)

Category - Audio

Peter and Wendy - ill. Edmund Blampied (1939)

Edmund Blampied (1886-1966) was an eminent artist from Jersey. He was noted for his etchings publish (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 28 file(s)

Nico looking through photos taken at Glan Hafren with Barrie, Michael and the Lewises

Nico looking through photos taken at Glan Hafren with Barrie, Michael and the Lewises (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 28 file(s)

Gerrie on Jack's ability at all games

Gerrie on Jack's ability at all games (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 28 file(s)

Nico talking to Rodney Bennett about Mary Hodgson

Nico talking to Rodney Bennett about Mary Hodgson (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 28 file(s)


(Read more) (Read More)

Category - Register | Contains 28 file(s)
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