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Michael Llewelyn Davies' poem, "Throned on a cliff", re...

Michael Llewelyn Davies' poem, "Throned on a cliff", returned to the heights of Eilean Shona in Augu (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 2 file(s) | Expected Creation - Aug 12, 1976

to Andrew Birkin - 1976

Letters to Andrew Birkin, Part 4 (September-December 1976)These letters were sent to me from various (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 33 file(s) | Expected Creation - Sep 01, 1976

to Andrew Birkin - 1977

Letters to Andrew Birkin, January-December 1977This next batch of letters to me is for 1977, when "T (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1977

An edited version of BBC-TV's Nationwide, recorded while I was writing "The Lost Boys" in the summer of 1977, and broadcast that Christmas. The chief interest in the recording is Nico's contribution, as well as a short account of the Barrie/Llewelyn

An edited version of BBC-TV's Nationwide, recorded while I was writing "The Lost Boys" in the summer (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Nov 01, 1977

Nico remembering how Barrie managed to evade jury duty

Nico remembering how Barrie managed to evade jury duty (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Mary prompting Nico on Barrie's macabre humour

Mary prompting Nico on Barrie's macabre humour (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico's creepy story about Barrie seeing his ex-wife Mary while driving through a village in 1922. Apologies for the cross-currents of other conversations - the wine is in full flood by this stage

Nico's creepy story about Barrie seeing his ex-wife Mary while driving through a village in 1922. Ap (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ...

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ... (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico instructing director Rodney Bennett on how Barrie managed to stick stamps on the ceilings of the various houses he visited...

Nico instructing director Rodney Bennett on how Barrie managed to stick stamps on the ceilings of th (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico talking about Barrie's many male friends, from Robert Falcon Scott to Bernard Freyberg VC

Nico talking about Barrie's many male friends, from Robert Falcon Scott to Bernard Freyberg VC (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 87 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978
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