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Category - Database

Nico talking about Barrie staying at Campden Hill Square - putting the furniture into store.

Nico talking about Barrie staying at Campden Hill Square - putting the furniture into store. (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie talks about Barrie's relationship with the Davies boys being "unhealthy" - "everyone else thought so" ...

Gerrie talks about Barrie's relationship with the Davies boys being "unhealthy" - "everyone else tho (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie on Barrie's love for Michael

Gerrie on Barrie's love for Michael (Read More)

Category - Audio

John Crompton to Mary Crompton - 1842

Letter from John Crompton to his daughter Mary Crompton, aged 8 - the future mother of Arthur Llewel (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 4 file(s) | Expected Creation - May 28, 1842

John Crompton to Mary Crompton - 1844

Letter from John Crompton to his daughter Mary Crompton, aged 10 - the future mother of Arthur Llewe (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 2 file(s) | Expected Creation - Mar 24, 1844

John Crompton to Mary Crompton - 1848

Letter from John Crompton to his daughter Mary Crompton, aged 13 - the future mother of Arthur Llewe (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 2 file(s) | Expected Creation - Apr 03, 1848

George and Emma du Maurier in 1851

George and Emma du Maurier, around the time of their marriage in 1851. (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 5 file(s) | Expected Creation - Feb 01, 1851

John Crompton to Mary Crompton - 1853

Letter from John Crompton to his daughter Mary Crompton, aged 19 - the future mother of Arthur Llewe (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 5 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jun 30, 1853

John Crompton to Mary Crompton - 1853

Letter from John Crompton to his daughter Mary Crompton, aged 19 - the future mother of Arthur Llewe (Read More)

Category - Letters | Contains 4 file(s) | Expected Creation - Jul 17, 1853
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