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Nico talking about Gerrie and the surviving copy of <i>The Boy Castaways</i>

Nico talking about Gerrie and the surviving copy of The Boy Castaways (Read More)

Category - Audio

Lord Boothby talking about Michael's literary influences. Was he a romantic? The effect that Michael's death had on just about everyone, particularly Roger Senhouse.

Lord Boothby talking about Michael's literary influences. Was he a romantic? The effect that Michael (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie remembering her engagement to Jack

Gerrie remembering her engagement to Jack (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico recounting Barrie's hat-trick at Stanway, his love of cricket, and his superb company.

Nico recounting Barrie's hat-trick at Stanway, his love of cricket, and his superb company. (Read More)

Category - Audio

R.C. Sherriff

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Prompted by a letter from Michael to Mary Hodgson ("the most important thing in our lives in those days"), Nico tells how when Michael went to Eton he cried for the first two years "whereas I was happy from the first five minutes."

Prompted by a letter from Michael to Mary Hodgson ("the most important thing in our lives in those d (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nina Boucicault talking about Barrie to the BBC in 1937

Nina Boucicault talking about Barrie to the BBC in 1937 (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico on Mary Hodgson, her character and family in Morecambe

Nico on Mary Hodgson, her character and family in Morecambe (Read More)

Category - Audio

Daphne du Marier remembering Barrie taking them to the zoo after George's death.

Daphne du Marier remembering Barrie taking them to the zoo after George's death. (Read More)

Category - Audio
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