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Map of Kensington Gardens 1923

A detailed fun map of Kensington Gardens by Leslie MacDonald Gill, a noted early-twentieth-century B (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s)

Neville Cardus recalls a visit to Barrie's flat

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Category - Works | Contains 1 file(s)


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Category - Text Heavy | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico's relationship with Peter

Nico's relationship with Peter (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Jack's attitude towards Barrie

Jack's attitude towards Barrie (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico reminiscing about Barrie’s "manservant" Harry Brown, a guided tour through Adelphi Terrace, and an amusing story about Harry Brown and Maggie Barrie’s son, the chess champion Willie Winter. Not for the scatalogically faint-hearted...

Nico reminiscing about Barrie’s "manservant" Harry Brown, a guided tour through Adelphi Terrace, and (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

"Who and what art thou?"

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Category - Text Heavy | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico on Frank Thurston (Barrie's butler)

Nico on Frank Thurston (Barrie's butler) (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Sebastian Earl on Michael's lack of girl-friends at Oxford being "perfectly normal".

Sebastian Earl on Michael's lack of girl-friends at Oxford being "perfectly normal". (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Gerrie on Peter and Vera Willoughby - "she had a daughter who was older than Peter"

Gerrie on Peter and Vera Willoughby - "she had a daughter who was older than Peter" (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)
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