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Daphne and Angela du Maurier remembering Michael, Peter and Nico

Daphne and Angela du Maurier remembering Michael, Peter and Nico (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie on Jack calling Barrie "the Bart"

Gerrie on Jack calling Barrie "the Bart" (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico showing us Frohman's gift to Michael, aged 13: a book on cricket, with "Admit Two to the Duke of Yorks" written in Frohman's blue penicl on the title page.

Nico showing us Frohman's gift to Michael, aged 13: a book on cricket, with "Admit Two to the Duke o (Read More)

Category - Audio


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Category - Search

Some Davies Letters and Papers (aka the Morgue): 1889-1897

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Category - Works

Nico on Jack's attitude towards Barrie - his later resentment.

Nico on Jack's attitude towards Barrie - his later resentment. (Read More)

Category - Audio

Gerrie remembers how Barrie failed to captivate her own daughter Sylvia, as well as their son Timmy

Gerrie remembers how Barrie failed to captivate her own daughter Sylvia, as well as their son Timmy (Read More)

Category - Audio

Ian Holm asks Nico about how he got on with his brothers, which leads into a discussion about Jack, and Nico's feeling that I've been too cruel to him in the script. Rodney Bennett joins in, and although Nico seems to think I cut the objectionable lines,

Ian Holm asks Nico about how he got on with his brothers, which leads into a discussion about Jack, (Read More)

Category - Audio

Charlie Chaplin meets JMB (1921)

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Category - Works

Letter from JMB to Jean Forbes-Robertson 1935

Letter from JMB to Jean Forbes-Robertson 1935 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s)
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