Barrie on the roof of the Coliseum, surrounded by the glittering cast assembled for a charity perfor (Read More)
Gerald du Maurier (Sylvia's brother) cast as Mr Darling and Jas. Hook (Read More)
Gerald du Maurier in 1898. As Sylvia's much-loved younger brother, Gerald first met Barrie around 19 (Read More)
Letter from Gerald du Maurier to his mother, Emma du Maurier, some time in 1885.[Not in Peter's Morg (Read More)
Letter from Gerald du Maurier to his sister Sylvia, 30 March 1890 (Read More)
Letter from Gerald du Maurier to his newly-married sister Sylvia. Undated, but Peter's guess is late (Read More)
Muriel Beaumont in 1898. Despite her father's disapproval, Muriel became an actress, her first appea (Read More)
Jean Forbes-Robertson as Peter Pan, Mary Casson as Wendy, Gerald du Maurier as Mr Darling, Marie Loh (Read More)
Peter Pan: the first London production of 1904, with Nina Boucicault as Peter, Hilda Trevelyan as We (Read More)
The du Maurier clan in the 1880s: Sylvia in the centre, aged about 14, and in the larger gathering, (Read More)