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J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1913

Letter from Barrie to George, 19 May 1913.[Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - May 19, 1913

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George, 27 July 1912, with instructions to him (and Peter) on how to get to Am (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jul 27, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George at Eton, 5 July 1912. [Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jul 05, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George at Eton, 19 June1912. (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jun 19, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George at Eton, 29 May 1912. [Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - May 29, 1912

Nico Llewelyn Davies to J M Barrie - 1912

Picture letter from Nico to Barrie, 18 April 1912[Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 18, 1912

Nico Llewelyn Davies to J M Barrie - 1912

Picture letter from Nico to Barrie, 14 April 1912[Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Apr 14, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George, 30 January 1912. [Not included in Peter's 'Morgue'] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 30, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1912

Letter from Barrie to George, 15 January 1912[Not in Peter's Morgue] (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 15, 1912

J M Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies - 1911

Letter from Barrie to George Llewelyn Davies, 11 December 1911 (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Dec 11, 1911
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