Barrie's last Will, dated 14 June 1937, 5 days before his death. (Read More)
This Movietone tribute to Barrie (with its cheesy closing narration) must have been thrown together (Read More)
A letter from J M Barrie to Gerrie Llewelyn Davies, dated 6 June 1937 (Read More)
J M Barrie's funeral, as recorded by Movietone News. It's followed by a few mute shots by (I think) (Read More)
Nico working with Peter at Peter Davies Ltd in 1937 (Read More)
My letters get into such confusion that you must be very bewildered. ... I assure you I am nothing w (Read More)
Just a line to thank you for Wisden's and to report progress ... there are about as many hot water b (Read More)
My Christmas and New Year might have been as quiet as yours as my rheumatics still have me in their (Read More)
Committee formed here to make you vigorous again (Read More)
You seem to the having a bad time in bed with your throa (Read More)