Barrie (front row, extreme left) around 1870, aged 9 (Read More)
Barrie's father, David Barrie, aged about 55 in 1870. He appears to have had little influence on his (Read More)
Sylvia du Maurier as a child, drawn by her father, George du Maurier. (Read More)
Sylvia du Maurier, drawn by her father, George du Maurier about 1871 (Read More)
George and Emma du Maurier with their daughter May, photographed by Julia Cameron in about 1872 (Read More)
Margaret Ogilvy in 1872 (Read More)
Barrie in 1872, aged 12: "Nothing that happens to us after we are twelve matters very much." (Read More)
Arthur's first letter home from Marlborough school, aged 10.[No original avilable] (Read More)
Various photos of Arthur as a child, aged betwen 1 and 11 (Read More)
J M Barrie, from a school group at Dumfries Academy, some time in 1872 (aged 12/13) (Read More)