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Nico talks about Denis Mackail, and making him cut his 1941 biography on Barrie, "The Story of JMB"

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Well of course he got every help that could be from Peter and me. In fact he cut about, it was too long anyway, he cut out about half the book too. A tremendous amount of cutting was needed. I was just going to say, did he hang out into it or did you? We didn't, we just said now here we are, 250,000 words, cut it down to 170 or whatever it was. I can't remember now. How long did you know Denis? Denis? Oh a long time. You see the Mackails and the Davieses used to be great friends. His father was a great scholar, J. W. Mackail. We all went together to St. James' and so on. Our first wedding present came from Denis' mother. This has nothing to do with Barrie, this is the Davies side. We used to -- well I didn't when I say "we" -- George, who was 10 years older than me, and Denis and his sister, they used to all play round together. I was in love with Denis when I was a much younger person. He was attractive and tall --- Denis was very very attractive. **Note: Denis Mackail was also a set designer for Barrie in the 1910s, and wrote his biography of Barrie after a nervous breakdown in 1941**

Post Date - 19 Apr 2020 17:00 | Report
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