Norma Douglas-Henry remembers George...
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He said a very interesting thing at Adelphi, he said if George had lived, he'd have been a very sad man. Barrie said that. To my sister. He was almost a cynic, in the best sense of the word. He had no illusion about anything. Certainly not about the war -- not about anything, really. Very sensitive. Highly intelligent. Strange mixture of things. I remember him saying he so much enjoyed coming to us. We met him at Eaton you see, in his last year, he was a terrific pop, very bourgeoise. Nothing made for an eager impression on him...but anyway my mother asked him to stay. Of course we girls thought him much too grand to come, he was older than our brother you see. But he did come and then he came again and again and again, in fact he spent his holidays with us. My mother said it was good for him to get to know some girls. Because Barrie was always following him and he was always meeting males and so on. He was rather shy of girls really, in his own sort of way.