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Nico talking about Mary Hodgson - "a wholly unique woman. ... She was unquestionably the most important person in my life." Nico hesitates in telling a ghastly story about her - until encouraged by Sharon and I (continues on next clip)

Nico taking about Ammhuinsuidh's various owners

Nico talks about Denis Mackail, and making him cut his 1941 biography on Barrie, "The Story of JMB"

Nico's wife Mary regarding Michael as a highbrow

Barrie's "tremendous flirtation" with American review, resulting in "Hello Ragtime" which Nico saw 20 times!

Looking at a photocopy of Barrie's passport, giving his height as 5' 3.5", Nico remembers his delight while at Eton that Barrie could never have got into tails

None of the Davies boys ever lost the Peter Pan tag, but Nico was the only one who "liked it rather than disliked it. Peter loathed it..."

Nico looking through the Glan Hafren photo album, with Medina and Eiluned Lewis, Michael, Nico and JMB

Nico talking about the "wonderful holidays" in Scotland - Scourie in 1911, Amhuinnsuidh in 1912, Killiecrankie in 1913, the Bridge of Orchy in 1914...

Nico putting "Mary Rose" at the top of his list of Barrie's plays.

... until the last holiday on Eilean Shona, with Michael in 1920, which Barrie again rented for Nico's honeymoon with Mary in 1926. Sharon and I visited it in 1976 ... and I stayed there for three magical days with Karen in 2001, a week before my son Anno

to Andrew Birkin - 1976

Boothby castigating Rupert Buxton, who drowned with Michael at Oxford. Nico didn't agree with a word Boothby said, and the obituary for Buxton in The Harrovian (in the database) paints a very different portrait to the one presented here by

Mary and Nico Llewelyn Davies in February 1976. ...

Roger Chance recalling George's adventures with Betty Hawkins

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