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Gerrie Llewelyn Davies (Jack's widow) talking about Nico

An edited version of BBC-TV's Nationwide, recorded while I was writing "The Lost Boys" in the summer of 1977, and broadcast that Christmas. The chief interest in the recording is Nico's contribution, as well as a short account of the Barrie/Llewelyn

Nico telling Maureen O'Brien (who played Mary Barrie in "The Lost Boys") how Sharon and I first swam into his life...

Lord Boothby seeing Barrie after Michael's death

Jean Forbes-Robertson in the 1940 recording of "Peter Pan" - Act 3: The Underground Home

Part 2 of Sheridan Morley's interview with Nico Llewelyn Davies, recorded in September 1978.

Nico's criticism of Janet Dunbar's biography ["J M Barrie: the Man Behind the Image", 1970] that it fails to communicate Barrie's humour and what wonderful company he was 99% of the time.

Nico on the rights to Barrie's plays, and Cynthia Asquith.

Elisabeth Bergner talks enigmatically about the cause of Barrie's death.

Gerrie calling Barrie "Uncle Jim" while Jack referred to him as "The Bart"

Nico recalling how Barrie could determine the severity of an on-coming cold by how far his false tooth flew across the room when he coughed!

Nico's wife Mary talking about Michael.

Nico talking about Peter's three sons: Rivvy, George and Peter (jnr). All three were doing well - in 1978. Tragically, all three inherited their mother's wasting disease, Huntington's chorea, and by 1995, all three were dead: most tragically, Peter jnr,

Nico showing us the "Record of Breaks" between Michael and Barrie, recorded in the front of "The Complete Billiard Player" in 1912 (see margin illustration in JMB&TLB, p197)

Nico’s belief that all Michael’s letters were destroyed

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