Nico taking about Ammhuinsuidh's various owners (Read More)
Gerrie's account of Mary Hodgson slipping a certain note under Jack's bedroom door (Read More)
Gerrie talks about Barrie's influence on Jack compared to Michael (Read More)
Nico remarking on the fact that he never once heard Barrie talking about his mother (Margaret Ogilvy (Read More)
Nico talking about Barrie's moods (Read More)
Nico speculating on why Barrie gave Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital in particular - his co (Read More)
Nico showing photos of Nico and Michael taken at Egerston with the Olivers. (Read More)
Gerrie talking about Peter and Vera Willoughby (Read More)
Nico on Barrie's "tremendous move into snobbery", largely on account of Eton and Cynthia Asquith (Read More)
Nico, on how he would have loved to have been an actor, and how Barrie fobade him joining the OUDS a (Read More)