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Nico talking about Barrie's many male friends, from Robert Falcon Scott to Bernard Freyberg VC

Nico talking about Barrie's many male friends, from Robert Falcon Scott to Bernard Freyberg VC (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico talking about Barrie's moods

Nico talking about Barrie's moods (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico talking about Barrie's visits to Eton

Nico talking about Barrie's visits to Eton (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico talking about emphesyma and smoking

Nico talking about emphesyma and smoking (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico talking about Gerrie and the surviving copy of <i>The Boy Castaways</i>

Nico talking about Gerrie and the surviving copy of The Boy Castaways (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico talking about Mary Hodgson - "a wholly unique woman. ... She was unquestionably the most important person in my life." Nico hesitates in telling a ghastly story about her - until encouraged by Sharon and I (continues on next clip)

Nico talking about Mary Hodgson - "a wholly unique woman. ... She was unquestionably the most import (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1976

Nico talking about Peter's three sons: Rivvy, George and Peter (jnr). All three were doing well - in 1978. Tragically, all three inherited their mother's wasting disease, Huntington's chorea, and by 1995, all three were dead: most tragically, Peter jnr,

Nico talking about Peter's three sons: Rivvy, George and Peter (jnr). All three were doing well - in (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1976

Nico talking about the "wonderful holidays" in Scotland - Scourie in 1911, Amhuinnsuidh in 1912, Killiecrankie in 1913, the Bridge of Orchy in 1914...

Nico talking about the "wonderful holidays" in Scotland - Scourie in 1911, Amhuinnsuidh in 1912, Kil (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1976

Nico talking to actress Maureen O&#8217;Brien about to play Mary Barrie

Nico talking to actress Maureen O’Brien about to play Mary Barrie (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico talking to Rodney Bennett about Mary Hodgson

Nico talking to Rodney Bennett about Mary Hodgson (Read More)

Category - Audio
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