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This is a script I wrote back in 1998/99 for Hallmark/NBC TV. No one realized that Gerard Depardieu (Read More)
"My Confession Book", being a successor to Barrie's "Querist's Album", was given to Nico by someone (Read More)
Muriel Beaumont in 1898. Despite her father's disapproval, Muriel became an actress, her first appea (Read More)
Mrs Lewis, Nico Llewelyn Davies- 1917 (Read More)
Letter from Mrs Lesley Stephen to Arthur Llewelyn Davies, 21 July 1893[No original available] (Read More)
Letter from Julia (Mrs Lesley) Stephen to Arthur Llewelyn Davies, 28 March 1890.[No original ms avai (Read More)
Letter from Julia (Mrs Lesley) Stephen to Arthur on his engagement to Sylvia, 25 March 1890. Julia S (Read More)
This Movietone tribute to Barrie (with its cheesy closing narration) must have been thrown together (Read More)
Letter of condolence from Montague Rendall to Margaret Ll.D., 25 April 1907 (Read More)