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Nico remarking on the fact that he never once heard Barrie talking about his mother (Margaret Ogilvy), even when he took Nico and Michael to Kirriemuir.

Nico remarking on the fact that he never once heard Barrie talking about his mother (Margaret Ogilvy (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico recounting Barrie's hat-trick at Stanway, his love of cricket, and his superb company.

Nico recounting Barrie's hat-trick at Stanway, his love of cricket, and his superb company. (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico recalling how Barrie could determine the severity of an on-coming cold by how far his false tooth flew across the room when he coughed!

Nico recalling how Barrie could determine the severity of an on-coming cold by how far his false too (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico rattling off the cast list of stars surrounding Barrie on the roof of the Colliseum in 1916 for a charity performance of "The Admirable Crichton" - see the Etcetera (&c) home page, or search for "Colliseum 1916" in the database for a key.

Nico rattling off the cast list of stars surrounding Barrie on the roof of the Colliseum in 1916 for (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico putting "Mary Rose" at the top of his list of Barrie's plays.

Nico putting "Mary Rose" at the top of his list of Barrie's plays. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1976

Nico peering out of a skylight at Dhivach

Nico peering out of a skylight at Dhivach Lodge, August 1907 (Read More)

Category - Photos | Contains 1 file(s) | Expected Creation - Aug 20, 1907

Nico on the rights to Barrie's plays, and Cynthia Asquith.

Nico on the rights to Barrie's plays, and Cynthia Asquith. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico on Michael being "close to a genius"

Nico on Michael being "close to a genius" (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico on Mary Hodgson, her character and family in Morecambe

Nico on Mary Hodgson, her character and family in Morecambe (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)

Nico on Jack's attitude towards Barrie - his later resentment.

Nico on Jack's attitude towards Barrie - his later resentment. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Contains 1 file(s)
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