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Nico talking about Barrie staying at Campden Hill Square - putting the furniture into store.

Nico talking about Barrie staying at Campden Hill Square - putting the furniture into store. (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ...

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ... (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Nico taking about Ammhuinsuidh's various owners

Nico taking about Ammhuinsuidh's various owners (Read More)

Category - Audio | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1976

Nico suggesting that Sharon and I visit Lord (Bob) Boothby: "I think a pretty ghastly fellow, but he had an absolute worship of Michael" ...!

Nico suggesting that Sharon and I visit Lord (Bob) Boothby: "I think a pretty ghastly fellow, but he (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico stressing Barrie's sense of humour (with promptings from his wife Mary) while giving an imitation of how he'd rock from side to side while stirring his coffee. His macabre humour so often misunderstood - or missed altogether.

Nico stressing Barrie's sense of humour (with promptings from his wife Mary) while giving an imitati (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico speculating on why Barrie gave <i>Peter Pan</i> to Great Ormond Street in particular - his connection with Elizabeth Lucas and the children&#8217;s hospital at Bettancourt - Audrey Lucas and Michael.

Nico speculating on why Barrie gave Peter Pan to Great Ormond Street Hospital in particular - his co (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico speculating on the options open to the family after Sylvia's death - Crompton Llewelyn Davies.

Nico speculating on the options open to the family after Sylvia's death - Crompton Llewelyn Davies. (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico showing us the "Record of Breaks" between Michael and Barrie, recorded in the front of "The Complete Billiard Player" in 1912 (see margin illustration in JMB&TLB, p197)

Nico showing us the "Record of Breaks" between Michael and Barrie, recorded in the front of "The Com (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico showing us Frohman's gift to Michael, aged 13: a book on cricket, with "Admit Two to the Duke of Yorks" written in Frohman's blue penicl on the title page.

Nico showing us Frohman's gift to Michael, aged 13: a book on cricket, with "Admit Two to the Duke o (Read More)

Category - Audio

Nico showing us "the best picture ever taken of Uncle Jim" - Barrie standing with Luath, photographed by Nicholson for Nana's costume (search for "Luath" in the database)

Nico showing us "the best picture ever taken of Uncle Jim" - Barrie standing with Luath, photographe (Read More)

Category - Audio
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